The divide between the capitalist West and the communist East was alimentary as much as political. Over 25 years after the fall of communism in Europe, V4 leaders believe that in their countries citizens still buy second rate food.
Czytaj całośćOpozycja parlamentarna broni JOW-ów, lewica chce ograniczenia kadencyjności, a Korwin wierzy w demokrację lokalną. Co na pytanie o zmianę ordynacji wyborczej odpowiedziały ugrupowania z co najmniej 3 proc. poparciem?
Czytaj całośćThe EU seeks to ratify the so called ‘anti-violence’ convention which has been at the centre of heated debates in Poland and other Visegrad countries. Only the Czech Republic views it with relative calm.
Czytaj całośćSoon the EU Council will approve a regulation on energy security. Visegrad MEPs were instrumental in securing it.
Czytaj całośćThe V4 MEPs, especially from Slovakia, Poland and Hungary do not support the EU intervening in the internal affairs of the member states, even if the fundamental rights might be in danger. The Commission does not seem convinced either that imposing sanctions will be the best way to solve the conflicts with Polish and Hungarian governments. It is high time to break this deadlock.
Czytaj całośćLobbing w Polsce wciąż nie jest jawny i przejrzysty. Ustawa sprzed dziesięciu lat nie spełniła oczekiwań. Najwięcej danych mamy o lobbingu na terenie Sejmu, ale i tam oficjalne rejestry pokazują jedynie wierzchołek góry lodowej.
Czytaj całośćPressuring journalists not to speak ill of those in power has become commonplace in the Visegrad countries. While the governments take over or sue newspapers and TV stations, the opposition is reluctant to discuss the issue on the international stage and the EU lacks the tools to intervene.
Czytaj całośćWhy countries from the Visegrad Group, with population amounting to 64 mln people, for almost two years now have been refusing to take in 11 thousands asylum seekers.
Czytaj całośćJeśli działać na miejscu, to raczej humanitarnie niż militarnie. 18 posłów mówi, jak reagować na kryzys migracyjny.
Czytaj całośćImproving the quality of work conditions across the European Union raises the cost of labour. If the Social Pillar is implemented, Poles, Czechs, Hungarians and Slovaks will cease to be an attractive, cheap workforce. At the moment they are not willing to take these costs.
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